
Adult Bible Fellowship


Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are Bible study classes that meet weekly on Sunday mornings. Traditionally these classes may be called "Sunday School" classes. An ABF is a great place to find community and to grow in the knowledge of God's Word. 

Find A Class

Interested in joining an ABF at 8:40? Find a list of classes with a description below.

Young Marrieds & Young Families

Time & Location | 8:40am | Chapel
Teachers: Travis & Berry Blake, Sterling & Elizabeth Hill

Young Married/Young Families exists to encourage and equip one another as brothers and sisters in Christ to be better disciples and disciple-makers, in our homes and beyond, through the study of Scripture, service in the church, and fellowship with one another.  Although all are welcome, the typical member of this ABF will be married couples and young families. They are currently studying the book of Psalms. 

Young Adults 

Time & Location | 8:40am | Chapel: C-1
Teachers: Luke McCowan 

(Co-Ed, 20’s to 30’s) Young Adult Bible Fellowship seeks to achieve Biblical and relational depth, as we believe both of these can and should be found in the person of Jesus Christ and His church. They are currently studying the Prophets (Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jonah, Micah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk).

ESL Bible Fellowship

Time & Location | 8:40am | Education Building: Room 116

Teacher | Rosy Ramos

(Co-educativo; estudio bíblico Multi-generacional; Ingles como segundo lenguajeClases con una comunidad bilingüe que comparten un cruce de culturas americana e hispana que buscan conectar a creyentes que hablan inglés o español a través del estudio y enseñanza de la palabra de Dios. Este otoño, estudiarán y discutirán los sermones actuales del pastor John.

Empty Nest

Time & Location | 8:40am | Education Building: Room 313

Teachers | Kyle & Jana Cox, Norris & Denitia Blount

Empty Nest invites couples and singles, with adult children who are no longer living at home, to study God’s word and find fellowship with other believers. They are currently studying the book of John.

Prime Time

Time & Location | 8:40am | Fellowship Hall

Teachers | Bill & Mary Ann Thomas, Reuven & Janet Ross

Although all ages are welcome, PrimeTime consists primarily of singles and couples 50 years old and older who worship, study Scripture, and pray together. They are currently studying the book of First John.  


Time & Location | 8:40am | Wellness Center: Multi-Purpose Room A
Teachers: Brad & Martha Roye, Kevin Sweet, & Janet Atkins

This is a co-ed ABF that consists of singles ages 35+. Our goal is to grow in the knowledge of God's Word and in Christ likeness as we study the Bible and learn how to apply it to our lives and in our spheres of influence.

SEEK: Sisters Enjoying Eternity's King

Time & Location | 8:40am | Wellness Center: Multi-Purpose Room B
Teachers: Koni Brewer & Audrey Wauson

Sisters Enjoying Eternity's King welcomes women of all ages to join us as we study God's word, share testimonies, and pray for one another. Our vision is to know God and our sisters more through the study of His word. This spring, we will be studying the book of John.

Shine Generations

Time & Location | 8:40am | Wellness Center: Den
Teachers: Sarah Mire

Shine Generations is a safe environment for adults with special needs to develop community and participate in fellowship in the study of scripture. Shine Generations will begin on Feb 2. You can register for Shine Generations HERE.

Interested in joining an ABF at 10? Find a list of classes with a description below. 


Time & Location | 10am | Wellness Center: Multi-Purpose Room A
Teachers | Eric Schmeltekopf, Ethan Moore

Acts uses the Greek word koinonia (coin-o-neeya) to describe the strong fellowship of the early church. We focus on that Biblical community and fellowship, and seek to be a place where we Gather, Grow, and Go together. Koinonia is rooted in the study of God’s Word, but will also seek to Grow through the sharing of our testimonies, mentorship, and accountability, with a view to applying the Gospel in our daily lives. Koinonia is for parents of young children, whether single or married, and those thinking about becoming parents. We are currently studying the book of James. 

Common Ground

Time and Location | 10am | Education Building: 313
Teachers | Kit & Sarah Riehl, Kyle & Rachel Van Pelt
This class serves newly marrieds, young marrieds, and young families. We would love for you to join us in growing your love for the Bible, God’s church, and each other. We believe that Gospel fluent, Biblically literate followers of Jesus will be terrific spouses, parents, church members, and more. Please join us as we invest in God’s Word and each other! We are currently studying the book of Psalms.

The Harbor

Time and Location | 10am | Wellness Center: Multi-purpose Room B
Teachers | Randy Morrison, Jay Mathis

The Harbor helps to equip and encourage parents of teenagers through Bible teaching, resources, and prayer. We are currently studying the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-134).

Generations Women

Time and Location | 10am | Chapel: C-1
Teachers | Jennifer Durham, Lou Ann Olson, Marilyn Crone, Lauren Farish

Generations is open to women of all ages and phases of life.  The women of Generations are active in many areas of ministry at Highland and enjoy being with other women across generational lines, praying for one another, supporting one another, and fellowshipping together.  They desire to serve the church, each other, and other women in our city and around the world. They are currently studying the book of Romans.


Time and Location | 10am | Education Building: Room 314 and Virtual Meetings
Teachers | Billy Kretschmer

Precepts is open to all ages of men and women. Precepts is an in-depth inductive Bible study which studies Scripture verse-by-verse.  We study, underline, and discuss Scripture looking for the meaning of the text and how it applies to our lives. We are currently studying Covenant.

En Espanol

Time and Location | 10am | Wellness Center: Cornerstone Room
Maestro | Enrique Galindo

Te invitan a unirte a su clase donde estudiarán las verdades bíblicas sobre el reflejo de lo espiritual en lo terrenal, temas como: Ser hijos adoptivos de Dios, ser Herederos, hechos a su imagen, y el plan de Dios para la vida de los creyente. También estarán estudiando cómo ser transformados. Este otoño, estarán estudiando Apocalipsís.

Home Builders

Time and Location | 10am | Fellowship Hall
Teachers | Mitch & Alison Neubert, Curtis & Dache Schroeder
Homebuilders is a Christ-centered community of parents, married or single, with young children. Our conversations and studies focus on growing in our faith, encouraging one another, and building our families based on Biblical truths. We are currently studying the book of Psalms. 

God's Nations

Time and Location | 10am | Education Building: Room 315
Teachers | Miles Phillips, Justin Adeyemi

God’s Nations includes people from different cultures across the world studying God’s Word and its relevance to different contexts. It welcomes people of all ages and cultures, including the US. This International Class is a Multigenerational Family ABF. They are currently studying the book of John chapters 1-10.

The Journey

Time and Location | 10am | Chapel
Teachers | Paul & Caryn Williams, Kevin Dougherty, Mark Kelly

The Journey is made up of multi-generational couples and singles. This class is a verse-by-verse Bible study with an emphasis on exegesis. Discussion during the class with a goal to practical application is encouraged. Prayer is emphasized. Join our in-depth Bible study on Romans, featuring verse-by-verse analysis, practical life application, and a focus on glorifying God through His Word.


Groups Pastor

Women’s Minister/Admin Lead

Associate Groups Minister

Adults/Grow Admin

Groups/Men's Resident

Women's Resident