


Highland Men exists to equip, encourage, and empower men to glorify God in all of life through exalting Jesus Christ. 

For more information, contact Jeremy Daniel

Special Events

MEN'S TAILGATE Baylor vs. Texas Tech, Oct 19

Join the men of Highland as we cheer on the Baylor bears. We’ll provide burgers, fries, and the game v. Texas Tech. Bring some friends and your favorite game day snack to share. Game time is TBD.

MEN'S RETREAT Latham Springs, April 4-5 

Join the men of Highland for our annual retreat. It will again be held at Latham Springs. This will be a time of teaching, encouragement, deepening old relationships and forging new ones. Save the date, Sign-ups begin November 1.


Join the men of Highland for our 2nd annual food and fun. This is a time to get to gather with other men and enjoy some friendly competition. Great food, great conversation, and a pickle ball tournament are the prize!

Wednesdays | 6:30pm | Fellowship Hall

Join the men of Highland each fall and spring semester on Wednesday nights for the Men's Inductive Bible study. We meet weekly in the Fellowship Hall to study the Bible in-depth and to seek to be transformed by it. This fall we are studying Covenant.

Register for Men's Inductive Study HERE.  

Soul Care Groups provide an intentional and compassionate environment for people to seek healing from sin or all manner of suffering. In these groups, men share their struggles with each other and with God, turning to Christ for strength and healing which is found through His Spirit by His Word. These groups are gender-specific and topic-specific. Soul Care Groups are different from Connection Groups (CGs) and Adult Bible Fellowship classes (ABFs) in that they meet for a specified number of weeks, and they intentionally cover one topic for the duration of the group. Beginning Sep 11, these groups will meet in various rooms on Highland’s campus on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm.

Check back this summer for a list of groups offered and for registration. 

Sundays | 8am | Youth Room (first floor of Education Building, inside Door E)

Join the men of Highland as we gather weekly to partner in prayer before the first Gathering. For more information, contact Jeremy Daniel

Inductive Study live stream


Groups Pastor

Men/Groups Resident