

The heart of Highland and the heart of every Believer is for all to know that Jesus saves. Being on mission is about living a life that points to Jesus through our words and actions. We want to take the Gospel, this good news of Jesus, to the neighborhood and to the nations, and we want every member of Highland to be a part. Highland is living out the command of Jesus to GO and make disciples of all nations!

Highland has embraced the calling of loving our community and neighborhood where God has placed us. We are at work in the name of the Lord, daily serving in various ministries taking place in our midst.   

For more information about Missions at Highland contact Jamie Hipp

We Walk

Join us for the walk on a brand new route on Sunday, Nov. 3 at 2pm. The walk is a time for us to pray for our neighborhood, meet new people from Highland, and raise awareness and funds for gospel centered ministry in our city. Care Net will be the beneficiary of this year's event. We will begin our walk at the Wellness Center, continue our walk to Waco Police Department, then finally to Dean Highland Elementary before returning to Highland's Gold parking lot. 

We will gather together in the Red parking lot (next to the Wellness Center) and pray before we start the walk promptly at 2pm. We will finish the walk with fellowship where as we enjoy a delicious treat from Kona Ice! Please register for the event here! Email with any questions.



God has given Highland tremendous opportunities both in our community and within the walls of the Highland campus. We are committed to serving the Dean Highland neighborhood and desire to see hearts and lives transformed by the Gospel. 

Dean Highland Elementary

Highland is privileged to serve and support students at nearby Dean Highland Elementary as classroom assistants, reading tutors, and lunch buddies each school year. We work with students in various ways and serve teachers needing assistance in their classroom. This is a weekly service opportunity offered during school hours. Contact Emma Jean Severide for more information and to apply.

Background Check Form

Spanish Language Ministry 

The Spanish Language Ministry of Highland consists of a citizenship class, ESL class, parent tutor engagement, and weekly Bible study. Each of these classes lend themselves for you to be a student, teacher, or volunteer in other capacities. Contact Rosy Ramos for more information.


WiN is a recreational mentoring and tutoring program designed to share wisdom and instruction from the Lord throughout the school year. We work with students from Dean Highland Elementary school, focusing on basic English and Math skills. Our tutors help by listening to them read, encouraging them to complete their homework, and by sharing the Good News that Jesus cares for them.  WiN is Monday through Friday from 3:15-5:30pm at Highland.  Contact Emma Jean Severide for more information and to apply.

Volunteer Application

Background Check

Character Reference

Volunteer Training Video

Statement of Acknowledgement

Hoops Huddle

Hoops Huddle seeks to reach 3rd-7th grade students each fall and spring semester by teaching basketball skills with a message of Hope throughout the school year. We host a 20-week skills development course on Wednesday nights from 5-6:30PM in the Life Center. We believe the Gospel changes lives, and we want to put that on display through energetic, encouraging coaching and personal interaction with a coach. Contact Mark Wible for more information and to apply.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center will provide an avenue for hands-on ministry as our members utilize their gifts and skills to come alongside our neighbors. We will offer help and hope in the name of Christ. Contact Frank San Martin for more information.

Foster and Adoption Ministry (FAM)

FAM Care - Empowered to Connect group Weekly Group
Starting September 11 join our FAM Care - Empowered to Connect group, designed specifically for foster and adoptive parents. Whether you're currently a foster or adoptive parent, in the process, or simply interested in learning more, this group offers valuable insights and support. Connect with others to learn how to build strong, lasting relationships with your children. FAM Care will meet on Wednesdays, from 6:30-8pm. You can register here to join the class. For more information contact Frank San Martin

What is FAM?

The Foster and Adoption Ministry is a group of people who are impacted by, or interested in, foster care and/or adoption who gather regularly to grow in maturity of God’s vision for the orphan so that they can go into our communities to be used as vessels for God’s work.

  • FAM is a community of support for those going through the Foster or Adoption journey.
  • FAM is a source of encouragement for one another with scripture, prayer, and meeting tangible needs.
  • FAM provides an avenue by which those seeking more information on foster care or adoption can find answers to their questions.
  • FAM will be a place where foster and adoptive parents can better understand God's love for the orphan and how they can better parent kids from hard places.
  • FAM will be an avenue for people to serve those that are involved in foster or adoption in our community.

You can join our FAM group for monthly events and service opportunities by following this link here or contact Jamie Hipp with any questions or for more information.

Partners are key to everything we do at Highland in the global domain. They are on the front lines of the work of ministry day in and day out. We come alongside and help hold up their arms as they faithfully engage people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is an honor and a privilege for us to partner together for the gospel. 

Baptist Student Ministry (BSM)

BSM Baylor aims to impact the campus for Christ to raise up student leaders who can articulate their faith and be sent out to make a global impact for the gospel. They want to see non-believing students become believers, believers become disciples, and disciples become disciple-makers. 

Care Net Pregnancy Center

The mission of Care Net is to honor and promote the sanctity of human life and to educate, support, and love individuals in crisis due to unplanned pregnancies, past abortions, or sexual promiscuity. They provide support for an abstinent lifestyle for youth and unmarried adults to draw people near to the Lord Jesus Christ and to bring Him honor and glory.


CRU Baylor is a caring community that is passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Their purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by leading people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them out to share their faith with others. 

Discipleship Unlimited

Since 1974, thousands of people, both inside and outside prison walls, have felt the impact of Discipleship Unlimited, a multi-faceted ministry based in Gatesville, Texas. We seek to build up the body of believers in the faith through prayer, Bible study, accountability to other believers, and the application of Biblical truth.


The Heart of Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes serves a 12 county area. Some of the ways they serve are: Coaches Bible studies, student-led huddle groups, team chaplain program, area-wide outreach events, the Victory Bowl, and numerous summer camps. Their mission is to present to coaches and athletes with the challenge and adventure of accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships, and engaging in the fellowship of the church. 


Waco KLIFE is a community-wide, interdenominational Christian ministry of discipleship and fellowship for youth and their families. Through various activities, KLIFE kids grow in their faith through fellowship. They learn that following Christ and discovering His plan for their lives is an exciting adventure and that they can count on friendship and support from leaders and peers.

Cliff House

Cliff House, based in Oak Cliff (South Dallas), serves among the immigrant and refugee population, after 20  years serving on the Texas/Mexico border. The ministry continues to follow the same basic path since its inception in 1988. They first seek to equip and mobilize young people as they discover and embrace a missional lifestyle. Secondly, they facilitate young people to live as everyday missionaries among the Hispanic culture. 

Mission Waco

Mission Waco | Mission World is a Christian, interdenominational, holistic ministry that works with people at many levels. It focuses on training middle-class Christians to work among the poor, develop a Christian worldview, and build relationships with the marginalized and unchurched.

Rick Caywood Ministries

Rick Caywood Ministries is a work of faith feeding God’s children to the uttermost parts of the earth. They deliver the tangible bread that saves the body as well as the spiritual bread that saves the soul.

-U.S. / Mexican border food ministry
-International food ministry
-Inner-city food ministry
-Logistics support for other ministries
-Disaster relief support
-Other mission projects as the Father gives opportunity

Vertical Ministries

Vertical is a non-denominational, student-led ministry that seeks to challenge college students to actively pursue an authentic and “vertical” relationship with God. At Vertical, the desire is to create an opportunity one night a week for the college community, regardless of other affiliations, to worship and be challenged together in a communal setting.

Young Life

Young Life of Greater Waco is on mission to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. The ministry is focused on local middle schools and high schools as well as Baylor University, McLennan Community College, and Texas State Technical College. Leaders go to the students at the schools (John 1:14) and build friendships (1 Thessalonians 2:8) as they strive to live out and share the Gospel.


Our aim is to take the Good News of Jesus to the nations. Teams serve in various capacities with partners throughout the globe. At the center of it all, we desire to make His name and renown known, and to push back the darkness for His namesake. He is the Lord, and there is no other.

North Africa

There are hundreds of unreached people groups, most of them Muslim, all across North Africa encompassing tens of millions of people with little or no access to the Gospel. We continue to maintain an ongoing partnership with missionaries in order to share the Good News in an unspecified country. Teams will faithfully proclaim the Gospel as they meet people in the marketplace, coffee shops, restaurants, and homes. The teams will also spend time prayer walking throughout the city. 

Applications Closed


We have forged an exciting partnership with missionaries outside the capital city of Taipei in order to engage the lost and proclaim the gospel among the unreached. Over 97% of the people on the island do not proclaim Jesus as Lord and 61% of the population follow ethnic religions. The Taiwanese are drawn to the love and care they see from the body of Christ and desire that same community for themselves. This team will labor to push back the darkness for the Kingdom offering hope to the hopeless.

Trip Dates: May 13-23, 2024

Applications Closed


Highland is coming alongside missionary partners to reach the ever growing immigrant and refugee community in Amsterdam. Some of the refugees receive official approval to enter the country while others arrive by any means possible. There is an openness to hear the gospel and to receive the Bible in their language. Our time will be spent daily in prayer walking, making new friendships, and sharing the Gospel. An ability to walk a good distance each day is required. 

Trip Dates: May 29 - June 6, 2024

Applications Closed


This team will be partnering with two Spanish-speaking churches whom we began a new partnership with in 2023. The team will plan and execute a week-long Vacation Bible School and also participate in leading a Sunday worship gathering. Because of the unique language context, a Spanish speaking fluency is required.  

Trip Dates: July 13-20, 2024

Applications Closed


Highland enjoys a Iong standing relationship with New Life Children's Home in Guatemala. In 2023 we sent a student team to serve at the home among the amazing children! In 2024, this will be a family trip in which family units can join to go and serve together. Details are yet to come, but we will be there to love on and bless the children, encourage the national staff and missionaries, and pray in innumerable ways. This is an excellent first trip for anyone considering serving internationally. Often this team ends up being families, as well as singles/couples, and college students. 

Trip Dates: June 15-22, 2024

Applications Closed

Partners are key to everything we do at Highland in the global domain. They are on the front lines of the work of ministry day in and day out. We come alongside and help hold up their arms as they faithfully engage people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is an honor and a privilege for us to partner together for the Gospel.

Ananias House

Ananias House exists to support the growing body of Christ in the Middle East and North Africa with dynamic ministries to develop churches, train leaders, and provide life-enriching services to local communities of believers. Ananias House seeks to support believers in the greater Middle East region and North Africa, who have been devastated by war and persecution, encouraging and equipping them to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Commission to Every Nation

CTEN is a servant organization that helps missionaries fulfill the unique vision God has given them. Through administrative support, they provide accountability and help the missionary get to the field. Through pastoral care, they help the missionary remain effective and healthy while there.


ELAM has a two-fold vision: that all the people of the Iran region would have the opportunity to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him as a disciple, and that Iranians would be instrumental in taking the Gospel to other Muslims. To achieve this vision, they follow a systematic approach

  1. Train leaders for fruitful, effective ministry in the Iran region.
  2. Equip the Iranian church with Bibles and resources for evangelism and discipleship.
  3. Send the Gospel into the Iran region through trained evangelists, church planters, and Christian media. 
Jesus Said Go

JSG is a ministry with a vision to train pastors in Bible storytelling, to set forth a church planting model to be successfully used by mother tongue pastors around the world. Model projects have been launched in unreached languages in West Africa. From this small beginning, the vision is to see that mother tongue pastors and Bible storytellers will rise up throughout the unreached people groups of the world bringing story groups and churches to every unreached village.

Making Disciples International

Teaches on intentional disciple making and spiritual leadership nationally and internationally. They also lead biblical counseling seminars with a focus on freedom and healing for the soul. Their ministry passion is to see the Lord’s people embrace the cross and to grow into Godly maturity as His disciples. In turn, seeing disciples become disciple-makers and spiritual leaders.

Mission Aviation Fellowship 

At MAF, they believe that everyone—even the isolated—deserves a chance to experience the love of Jesus Christ.  So they use aviation, technology, and training because in many places those are the only ways to reach isolated people with Christ’s love.  

Missionary Ventures International

Missionary Ventures is an interdenominational family of Christians bound together by their love for God and their commitment to reaching the world with Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are rooted in relationships - encouraging, collaborating with, and supporting the Church around the globe in fulfilling the Great Commission. 

New Life Advancement Institute 

NLAI is dedicated to living and proclaiming Christ, the Word and Bread of Life, to a lost and hungry world.  It is an interdenominational, international mission organization that is dedicated to world evangelization by identifying and developing ministry approaches that are relevant to the various social, economic, political, and cultural environments of the nations where we work.

One Body International

The mission of OBI is to make followers of Jesus, introduce them to the fullness of what God the Father has for them, empower them to walk in their identity in Him by the Holy Spirit, and train them to do the same thing with others. The vision is to see a discipleship movement of people in love with God, growing in true identity, and marked by the works and ways of Jesus, which will permeate the nation of Taiwan and spread from there into all of Asia and the world.

Restoration Gateway

RG's vision is to develop a Christ-centered model community that will foster God’s heart for physical and spiritual restoration among the people of war-torn Uganda. Strategically located on a 700-acre plot overlooking the Nile River in Northern Uganda, RG has plans to provide:

  1. Loving homes
  2. Education
  3. Health-care for 300 orphans
  4. Biblical training for church planters, missionaries, and local pastors
  5. A health-care training facility to care for and provide ministry to the sick 
  6. An equipping center for medical personnel
  7. A children’s camp
  8. A pastoral retreat center for Ugandan pastors
  9. An agricultural and fishery demonstration projects
  10. A multi-purpose center for worship and Biblical teaching
  11. A school for job training and professional skill development
  12. A first-class resort
World Venture

At World Venture, they find, train, send, and support catalysts who are filled with the Spirit and called to the unengaged, unreached, unchurched, and unwanted (marginalized) of the world.  We focus on those places where they can create the most change for the Gospel. 

As the local church expands through committed disciples, it greatly influences its surrounding community. They desire to these Gospel movements to span all aspects of a society through the arts, media, education, church outreach, family and medicine, science and agriculture, business, and government.


Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), they unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known. When they began in 1960, their main focus was to get youth involved in missions. Today, they still focus on youth, and they also involve people aged 8 to 80. They currently work in more than 1,100 locations in over 180 countries, with a staff of over 18,000.

God has uniquely connected Highland with families, couples, and singles throughout the earth. Currently, we have people positioned on 5 continents and 15 countries. We seek to come alongside our people to pray and undergird the work of ministry. The Gospel is regularly being proclaimed and disciples are being made.

  • Taiwan
  • Ecuador
  • South Asia
  • Nicaragua
  • England
  • USA
  • Uganda
  • Guatemala
  • North Asia
  • Spain
  • Eastern Europe
  • Wales
  • Netherlands
  • North Africa
  • Ghana


We want to equip you to engage the peoples of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There are a number of ways you can grow in your depth of understanding of God's heart for the nations. Here you can find books, studies, and prayer guides.


Let the Nations Be Glad - John Piper

Operation World - Jason Mandryk

Pray for the World - Patrick Johnstone &  Molly Wall

When Helping Hurts - Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

For the City - Matt Carter & Darrin Patrick

Tradecraft - Caleb Crider & Larry McCrary


Joshua Project - Comprehensive guide highlighting people groups, statistics, and prayer points

Operation World - Prayer guide for the nations


Go Pastor

Wellness Center Pastor

Director of WiN/Community Ministries

Go Assistant

Associate for Spanish Ministries

Missions Resident & Facilities Team