


A church family aimed at developing Acts 6:4 students ("devoting themselves to prayer & the ministry of the Word"), discipleship multiplication, and connecting students to the mission of the local & global church.


Every month of the school year, we gather for worship, teaching, fun, and fellowship! Here is a list of the upcoming College Nights:
September 4th, 7:00pm in the Highland Life Center
October 1st, 7:00pm in the Highland Life Center
October 30th, 7:00pm at Antioch Community Church
November 19th, 7:00pm in the Highland Life Center
December 10th, 7:00pm in the Highland Life Center

College CGs

Our College CGs are groups that are led by trained college leaders and meet in students homes, apartments, or dorms. You can check out all the groups below by picking which type of group you would like to join! If you have questions or would like group recommendations, contact our college pastor .



If you would like to lead your own College CG, APPLY TO BECOME A CG LEADER HERE. 



Highland Leader College (HLC) is for college students that desire to spend a summer in Waco using their spiritual gifts while growing in spiritual fruit. Applications will open in the Fall! Email  if you have any questions.

Spring Break Mission Trips

Each year, Highland College Ministry sends college students on two spring break mission trips: a team with Beach Reach in South Padre Island and 5 teams to the UK! Applications will open in the Fall. Email  if you are interested. 


Each spring semester, college students will be gathering under Jesus’ name for 72 hours of prayer on Fountain Mall, asking that God would bring revival and renewal to our campus and city. Each night at 8:00pm Central Time we will gather together to worship, pray, and hear from God’s Word.

We will be praying all day and night long so feel free to join us as much or as little as you can between classes or late into the night as we passionately seek God together! 


College Pastor

Women's College Minister

Residency Pastor

College and Student Ministry Assistant

College Girls Associate

College Guys Associate
