Series: Unto Us
Unto Us: Mighty God
December 15, 2024 | John Durham
Isaiah 9:1-2 ISAIAH 9:3-4 ISAIAH 9:5
The hearts of humanity were destined for JUDGMENT, darkness, joylessness, and DESTRUCTION
ISAIAH 9:6 If God’s Son was given to us, then we must stop everything and give our worship and our lives to Him.
1. Jesus has the power to accomplish the plan of God!
“This is God's universe, and God does things His way. You may have a better way, but you don't have a universe.” – J. Vernon McGee
2. Jesus has the power for governmentS to sit on His shoulder.
3. Jesus has the power to grow His Kingdom forever
4. Jesus has the power to give increasing peace
5. Jesus has the power to uphold His Kingdom forever
6. Jesus has the power of God on His side.
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